Hey Newgrounds
I guess this is a very sad time for us, eh? Edd was a hero and pioneer in the world of internet animation and art. Like thousands of others, he influenced me into learning to animate, draw cartoon and to be creative. I honestly feel as if I've just lost a close family member despite the fact I've never actually met Edd. We messaged each other few times and he even commented on a pieces of my work and subscribed to me on YouTube. This motivated me slightly and really inspired me to just get on with stuff. I was really hoping he'd see the piece I'm just about finishing, I really did. If it weren't for him I wouldn't have developed this fantastic life-long skill of animating and drawing cartoon.
It took me a while to really take in the news this morning whilst I was barely awake. I looked at my YouTube feed to see that Chris Bingham had posted the new Future Bing in which I was happy about, then I read the title. I hoped to God that this was some kind of sick joke but it wasn't. Everything about the video was perfectly true, I was barely able to pull myself together this morning before going to school.
It's disgusting that on YouTube there are actually people sick and twisted enough to leave comments mocking his death. Someone has even gone to the effort of creating an account with a username that mocks Edd's death. I won't name that account as I don't want the sick fuck to gain any of the attention that they desire from creating this account.
Edd really was just one of the most chilled-out and kindest people you could know. I never knew him personally but from what I have seen and heard of him it wasn't hard to figure out. I am jealous of the friends, family and loved ones that were fortunate enough to know this man and spend time in his company.
Edd Gould will hopefully never be forgotten in this century. I will miss him so much. I still don't know how to come to terms with the fact he's gone. It just doesn't feel right, at all.
RIP Edd, I don't believe in Heaven but if there is one, I hope you're having a blast up there, man :')
Pure poetry.